

Across the street from the castle is a carousel that operates year-round, presumably a nod to the idea that Fontainebleau is a tourist town. Fontainebleau isn't THAT bustling, though, so whenever one or two kids wants to ride the carousel, the operator starts it up. Otherwise, it's just a local landmark - "Let's meet at the carousel at four."


saramoohead said...

Wow! That's a beautiful carousel.

Megan P said...

Lots of French towns have carousels - they're not really for tourists.

Megan P said...

My last comment sounds a bit brusque! I decided to add that although tourists are drawn to them, the carousels really reveal the affectionate (and unpatronising) regard French people have for children. You'll notice this if you shop for children's clothes, visit an ecole maternelle, listen to families talking on the train, tram, metro, or in restaurants. In return, French children do not exhibit the distrust towards adults that American children have. Adults and children actually have conversations in France.

I like your blog a lot and I promise: no more lectures!

Anonymous said...

I think you are right to observe Megan that France is more welcoming to childern but its a mistake to attribute this to some special affection the French have to childern. French men are as childish as may be expected by the global average and French parents are interested in French fashion becasue there are just many many children. Its basically an issue of supply and demand. More Children=less tax More children=more consumption of children goods=More carousels

Megan P said...

Maybe French men are childish so French people will like them!